Cumulative Table of Cases

This database contains a complete listing of decisions published by ELR since the service began in 1971. To locate a decision, click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the court opinion you wish to access. Then click on the ELR citation to access the opinion and case details.

| ' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness v. Robertson
No. 91-3032
(8th Cir. November 1992)
23 ELR 20518
978 F.2d 1484
Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness v. Thomas
No. s. 94-1794, -1936
(8th Cir. April 1995)
26 ELR 20253
53 F.3d 881
Friends of the Bow v. Thompson
No. 96-1460
(10th Cir. August 1997)
27 ELR 21518
124 F.3d 1210
Friends of the Capital Crescent Trail v. Federal Transit Administration
No. 17-1811 (RJL)
(D.D.C. March 2019)
49 ELR 20038
Friends of the Capital Crescent Trail v. United States Army Corps of Engineers
No. 20-1544
(4th Cir. May 2021)
51 ELR 20082
Friends of the Capital Crescent Trail v. United States Army Corps of Engineers
No. JKB-19-106
(D. Md. April 2020)
50 ELR 20090
Friends of the Chattahooche v. Couch
No. 2008 CV 146398
(Ga. Sup. Ct. June 2008)
38 ELR 20159
Friends of the Clearwater v. Dombeck
No. 99-35642
(9th Cir. August 2000)
31 ELR 20031
222 F.3d 552
Friends of the Clearwater v. Higgins
No. 2:20-cv-00243-BLW
(D. Idaho July 2020)
50 ELR 20171
Friends of the Clearwater v. Higgins
No. 20-35623
(9th Cir. February 2021)
51 ELR 20031
Friends of the Clearwater v. Probert
No. 3:21-cv-00056-BLW
(D. Idaho December 2022)
53 ELR 20135
Friends of the Coast Fork v. Department of the Interior
No. 95-35996
(9th Cir. March 1997)
27 ELR 21047
110 F.3d 53
Friends of the Cowlitz v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
No. 99-70373
(9th Cir. June 2001)
31 ELR 20702
253 F.3d 1161
Friends of the Creek v. Jackson County
No. A107771
(Or. Ct. App. January 2000)
30 ELR 20313
995 P.2d 1204
Friends of the Crystal River v. EPA
No. 1:92:CV:325
(W.D. Mich. June 1992)
23 ELR 21185
794 F. Supp. 674
35 ERC 1388
Friends of the Crystal River v. EPA
No. s. 92-1979, -1983
(6th Cir. September 1994)
24 ELR 21490
35 F.3d 1073
39 ERC 1833
Friends of the Dixie Nat'l Forest v. United States
No. 93-C-1039W
(D. Utah October 1994)
25 ELR 20330
Friends of the E. Fork, Inc. v. Thom
No. C05-0189
(W.D. Wash. February 2010)
40 ELR 20063
Friends of the Earth v. Archer Daniels Midland Co.
No. 84-CV-413
(N.D.N.Y. July 1990)
20 ELR 21385
31 ERC 1779
Friends of the Earth v. Archer Daniels Midland Co.
No. 84-CV-413
(N.D.N.Y. January 1992)
22 ELR 21024
780 F. Supp. 95
34 ERC 1530
Friends of the Earth v. Armstrong
(D. Utah February 1973)
3 ELR 20235
Friends of the Earth v. Armstrong
No. 73-1223
(10th Cir. August 1973)
3 ELR 20752
485 F.2d 1
5 ERC 1694
Friends of the Earth v. Atomic Energy Comm'n
No. 73-1866
(D.C. Cir. August 1973)
3 ELR 20832
485 F.2d 1031
Friends of the Earth v. Brinegar
No. 74-3490
(9th Cir. March 1975)
5 ELR 20223
518 F.2d 322
7 ERC 1815
Friends of the Earth v. Butz
No. CV-75-23-BLG
(D. Mont. September 1975)
6 ELR 20403
406 F. Supp. 742
Friends of the Earth v. Carey
No. s. 75-7497, 76-3054
(2d Cir. January 1977)
7 ELR 20177
552 F.2d 25
9 ERC 1641
Friends of the Earth v. Carey
No. 75-7497
(2d Cir. April 1976)
6 ELR 20488
535 F.2d 165
8 ERC 1933
Friends of the Earth v. Chevron Chem. Co.
No. 96-40590
(5th Cir. December 1997)
28 ELR 20424
129 F.3d 826
Friends of the Earth v. Chevron Chem. Co.
No. s. 1:94:CV434, -580
(E.D. Tex. September 1995)
26 ELR 20296
900 F. Supp. 67
41 ERC 1836
Friends of the Earth v. Chevron Chem. Co.
No. 1:94-CV-434, -580
(E.D. Tex. March 1996)
26 ELR 21283
919 F. Supp. 1042
Friends of the Earth v. Coleman
No. 74-2755
(9th Cir. March 1975)
5 ELR 20259
513 F.2d 295
7 ERC 1827
Friends of the Earth v. Coleman
No. 74-3490
(9th Cir. May 1975)
5 ELR 20428
518 F.2d 323
8 ERC 1617
Friends of the Earth v. Consolidated Rail Corp.
No. 83-CV-1506
(N.D.N.Y. December 1984)
15 ELR 20108
22 ERC 1186
Friends of the Earth v. Consolidated Rail Corp.
No. s. 84-7701 et al
(2d Cir. July 1985)
15 ELR 20674
768 F.2d 57
22 ERC 2224
Friends of the Earth v. Corps of Eng'rs
No. s. CIV.A. 98-0801 et al
(D.D.C. August 2000)
31 ELR 20075
109 F. Supp. 2d 30
51 ERC 1224
Friends of the Earth v. Crown Cent. Petroleum Corp.
No. 95-40835
(5th Cir. September 1996)
27 ELR 20193
95 F.3d 358