H.R. 1734
would amend SMCRA to allow the Secretary of the Interior to delegate certain emergency reclamation activities to the states and tribes.
would amend SMCRA to allow the Secretary of the Interior to delegate certain emergency reclamation activities to the states and tribes.
would amend the CZMA to authorize grants to Indian tribes to further achievement of tribal coastal zone objectives.
would require the U.S. Fire Administration to conduct on-site investigations of major fires.
would direct the FEMA Administrator to submit to Congress a report on preliminary damage assessments and make necessary improvements to processes in FEMA.
would require operators of offshore oil and gas facilities to report failures of critical systems to the Secretary of the Interior.
would direct the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the NOAA Administrator, to improve science, data, and services that enable sound decisionmaking in response to coastal flood risk, including impacts of sea-level rise, storm events, changing Great Lakes water levels, and land subsidence.
would establish an integrated national approach to respond to ongoing and expected effects of extreme weather and climate change by protecting, managing, and conserving the fish, wildlife, and plants of the United States, and to maximize government efficiency and reduce costs, in cooperation with state, local, and tribal governments and other entities.
would direct OSHA to issue an occupational safety and health standard to protect workers from heat-related injuries and illnesses.
would amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects.
would establish a pilot program for native plant species.