S. 273
which would improve the management of driftnet fishing, was passed by the Senate.
which would improve the management of driftnet fishing, was passed by the Senate.
which would require the Administrator of EPA to designate per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances as hazardous substances under CERCLA, was passed by the House.
which would make emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021, was passed by the Senate.
which would provide for consideration of H.R. 2467, which would require the Administrator of EPA to designate per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances as hazardous substances under CERCLA, was passed by the House.
which would direct the Administrator of FEMA to develop guidance for firefighters and other emergency response personnel on best practices to protect them from exposure to PFAS and limit and prevent the release of PFAS into the environment, was passed by the Senate.
which would provide for certain programs and developments in DOE concerning the cybersecurity and vulnerabilities of, and physical threats to, the electric grid, was passed by the House.
which would authorize funds for DOT’s federal-aid highway, transit, highway safety, motor carrier, research, hazardous materials, and rail programs, and address the surface transportation system’s impacts on climate change, was passed by the House.
which would authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to develop a program to reduce barriers to entry for farmers, ranchers, and private forest landowners in certain voluntary markets, was passed by the Senate.
which would provide guidance for and investment in the research and development activities of DOE's Office of Science, was passed by the House.
which would amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to provide federal financial assistance to states to implement, review, and revise state energy security plans, was passed by the House.