H.R. 6545, Bill Introduced
would require the administrator of EPA to use the commercially available volume of cellulosic biofuel in setting requirements for the renewable fuel program under CAA.
would require the administrator of EPA to use the commercially available volume of cellulosic biofuel in setting requirements for the renewable fuel program under CAA.
would provide that any SIP submitted under the CAA to address impairment of visibility shall apply for such state until 2022 with respect to emissions from taconite ore processing facilities.
would prohibit the administrator of EPA from finalizing certain proposed rules under the CAA if a state regulatory authority gives notice that such a rule will lead to a three percent or greater increase in the price of electricity.
would amend the CAA to require the administrator of EPA to establish a system to certify the validity of credits to be used for compliance with the renewable fuel program.
would amend §112(r) of CAA, relating to prevention of accidental releases.
would amend the CAA with respect to the sulfur fuel content of heating oil.
would prohibit the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from finalizing any rule imposing any standard of performance for carbon dioxide emissions from a fossil fuel-fired electric utility generating unit until carbon capture and storage is found to be technologically and economically feasible.
would amend the Clean Air Act to partially waive the renewable fuel standard when corn inventories are low.
would amend the renewable fuel program under CAA §211(o) to require the cellulosic biofuel requirement to be based on actual production.
would amend the CAA with respect to exceptional event demonstrations.