H.R. 913
would modify the disposition of certain outer continental shelf revenues and open federal financial sharing to heighten opportunities for renewable energy.
would modify the disposition of certain outer continental shelf revenues and open federal financial sharing to heighten opportunities for renewable energy.
would require the U.S. Comptroller General to conduct an analysis of the costs of converting light-duty vehicles in the federal fleet to electric vehicles.
would amend the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 to establish a Sustainable Aviation Fuel Working Group.
would modify the disposition of certain outer continental shelf revenues, and open federal financial sharing to heighten opportunities for renewable energy.
would ensure 100% renewable electricity, zero emission vehicles, and regenerative agriculture by 2030 to address global warming caused by human activity.
would require certain information and financial assistance under the state energy program and the Weatherization Assistance Program to be distributed without undue delay to support state and local high-impact energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives.
would promote the development of renewable energy on public lands.
would direct the Secretary of Energy to conduct a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application with respect to clean hydrogen and fuel cell energy, low-emission fuels, and coproducts.
would establish the Airborne Wind Energy Research and Development Program.
would require assessments of opportunities to install and maintain floating photovoltaic solar panels at Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation projects.
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