H.R. 9098
would provide for civil nuclear coordination and strategy.
would provide for civil nuclear coordination and strategy.
would restart onshore and offshore oil and gas leasing, streamline permitting for energy infrastructure, and ensure transparency in energy development on federal lands.
would establish a program to issue rebates for energy efficiency improvements at industrial facilitates.
would amend the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act to assist small businesses that seek to engage in the research, development, and deployment of advanced nuclear reactors by delaying onerous licensing fees.
would amend the Federal Power Act and the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 to reform the Tennessee Valley Authority's ratemaking authorities.
would require certain information and financial assistance under the State Energy Program and the Weatherization Assistance Program to be distributed without undue delay to support state and local high-impact energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives.
would increase the size of the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve.
would amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to establish a Hydrogen Technologies for Heavy Industry Grant Program.
would lower consumer fuel prices.
would establish a moratorium on energy development in certain areas of the Gulf of Mexico.