Civil Procedure

The court denies a motion to certify for immediate appeal its previous order holding that abstention was unwarranted in a college's Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and…

The court holds that a district court erroneously dismissed foreign plaintiffs' environmental and personal injury claims against a U.S. oil company on the grounds of forum non conveniens,…

The court holds that local school districts, municipalities, and timber companies may intervene as of right in litigation brought by plaintiff-environmentalists to restrict logging activities in…

The court dismisses environmental groups' motion to enjoin the sale of a former bus depot in the South Bronx, New York. The sale is part of a plan to develop a former rail yard adjacent to…

The court holds moot property owners appeal of a district court's denial of their motion for a preliminary injunction to enjoin federal funding and construction of a proposed business park.…

The court holds that a chemical manufacturer had no duty to warn the U.S. Air Force or its employees of the potential hazards of chemicals used to clean aircraft engines. The court first holds…

The court holds that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not have the authority to impose its own separate enforcement penalties on a Missouri corporation after the corporation and…

The court denies a potentially responsible party's (PRP's) motion to bifurcate the trial of a property owner's Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act…

The court dismisses environmental groups' motion for emergency injunctive relief seeking to rescind a land exchange contract between the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and private parties…

The court held that homeowners failed to establish a genuine issue of material fact as to necessary elements of their negligence, implied warranty of merchantability, express warranty, and strict…