Civil Procedure

The court affirms a district court order lifting a temporary restraining order and denying environmental groups' motion to permanently enjoin the construction of a new school on property that…

The court reverses a district court decision that environmental groups failed to demonstrate injury-in-fact and, therefore, do not have standing to bring a citizen suit under the Clean Water Act…

The court holds that the Price-Anderson Act conferred federal jurisdiction on a district court in a removal action where individuals alleged tortious injury arising from uranium mining. In two…

The court upholds a district court approval of a class action settlement between an oil company and landowners whose properties were contaminated as a result of underground oil seepage originating…

The court affirms a lower court's decision to deny a recycling company's motion to strike a default judgment issued against it for violating state hazardous waste laws, but vacates the…

The court affirms a district court decision to use a Fed. R. Civ. P. 71A authorized federal land commission instead of a jury trial to determine the amount of just compensation a property owner…

The court holds that although a subpoena duces tecum issued by a manufacturer against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to produce certain discovery documents in a lawsuit in which it…

The court denies a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act defendant's request to strike third-party defendant's pleadings or to enter judgment against them…

The court reverses a district court's denial of environmental groups' motion for a preliminary injunction to limit grazing in certain allotments of the Owyhee Resource Area in Idaho. The…

The court dismisses a family's Federal Water Pollution Control Act and state-law actions against an electric power station for personal injuries that the family allegedly suffered due to…