Tort Law

A district court held that the due care and discretionary function exceptions to the Federal Tort Claims Act do not shield the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from homeowners' lawsuit against it…

A district court dismissed a family's personal injury claims against the U.S. Army for exposing them to carbon tetrachloride while they resided on a former Army base. The discretionary…

A district court ordered the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to install and continuously operate scrubbers at four power plants in Tennessee and Alabama. North Carolina filed a public nuisance…

The Fifth Circuit reversed a lower court decision dismissing homeowners' negligence suit against a company for erroneously determining that their home was not located in a flood zone. Based…

A district court dismissed the claims of the three remaining plaintiffs in a toxic tort case arising from the alleged release of radioactive and other hazardous substances from a uranium mill in…

The Federal Circuit affirmed a lower court decision holding that the U.S. government breached lease agreements it entered into with oil companies to explore for and develop oil and gas resources…

A California appellate court reversed a lower court's award of $5 million in punitive damages against a pipeline company for trespass, nuisance, and negligence in connection with underground…

The Fourth Circuit denied motions to dismiss North Carolina's common-law nuisance action against the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) alleging that its coal plants emit various pollutants…

The Ninth Circuit upheld a lower court judgment finding the U.S. Forest Service liable under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) for failing to correct or warn of a dangerous condition on a…

A Louisiana appellate court affirmed in part a lower court decision in favor of residents who brought a class action suit against New Orleans for converting a municipal landfill into a residential…