
The Ninth Circuit upheld NMFS' decision to list a distinct population segment (DPS) of the Pacific bearded seal under the ESA based on future impacts of climate change. Using climate…

A district court issued a preliminary injunction enjoining FWS from conducting or authorizing the take of wild red wolves on private land without first demonstrating that the wolf at issue is a…

The Ninth Circuit held that NMFS violated the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act when it excluded an historic net-fishing area of Cook Inlet from the salmon fishery…

A district court ordered FWS to reconsider its decision not to designate critical habitat for the Canada lynx in Colorado, Idaho, and Montana. When it published the September 2014 final rule…

The Eleventh Circuit upheld the National Park Service's (NPS') wilderness assessment and management plan for the addition of approximately 112,400 acres of land to the Big Cypress…

A district court upheld the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' and FWS' management plan, EIS, and associated permits authorizing the “take,” or killing, of double-crested cormorants in the…

The Ninth Circuit upheld BLM's proposal to expand access for off-road vehicle use in the Imperial Sand Dunes Special Recreation Management Area. The Dunes, located in California, are home to…

The Ninth Circuit held that NMFS may collect cost recovery fees for the Pacific groundfish fishery from individual members of the Pacific whiting catcher-processing sector, but that NMFS’…

The D.C. Circuit held that FWS violated NEPA when it issued an incidental take permit for the Indiana bat, an endangered species, in connection with a wind farm project in Ohio. Because the farm…

The Ninth Circuit upheld NMFS' 2013 quota regulations for Pacific whiting. NMFS calculated the amount of fish harvesters' and fish processors' initial share of the total allowable…