
A district court denied a neighborhood group's request to temporarily block bison hunting near Yellowstone National Park. The group argued that NPS and USDA violated NEPA when they authorized…

A district court denied NMFS’ motion to stay a lawsuit concerning the effects of lobster fishing on the endangered North Atlantic right whale. The agency requested a stay pending its promulgation…

A district court enjoined a NMFS rule that opened two areas of previously protected North Atlantic right whale habitat off the New England coast to gillnet fishing. An environmental group argued…

The Fourth Circuit granted a motion to stay FWS' issuance of a biological opinion and incidental take statement for a proposed 300-mile natural gas pipeline running through Virginia and West…

A district court denied summary judgment in a lawsuit concerning potential harms to local trout populations from a proposed copper and silver mine in Montana. Environmental groups and a Native…

In an unpublished opinion, the Ninth Circuit reversed in part and affirmed in part a summary judgment in favor of NMFS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in a challenge against NMFS' 2014…

A district court dismissed a lawsuit brought by a Hawaiian resident alleging that an early start to a county construction project harmed two endangered species—the Hawaiian hawk and Hawaiian hoary…

A district court vacated in part and remanded in part FWS' 2014 determination to remove the Rio Grande cutthroat trout from the ESA list of endangered and threatened wildlife. An…

A district court granted in part a motion for summary judgment in a challenge to FWS' 2012 biological opinions concerning protections for the threatened Mexican spotted owl. An environmental…

The D.C. Circuit granted a petition to review EPA's 2018 rule that set renewable fuel applicable volumes and percentage standards under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program. Environmental…