
The First Circuit held that a lower court erred in dismissing a landowner's CWA citizen suit for lack of proper pre-suit notice. The landowner filed suit against the neighboring property…

The Ninth Circuit upheld an injunction prohibiting an environmental activist group from interfering with an oil company's outer continental shelf (OCS) exploration activities in the Arctic…

A district court dismissed CWA claims brought by an environmental group seeking to compel an electric company to obtain NPDES permits for its facilities. The group alleged that activities…

A California appellate court upheld the California Department of Water Resources' (DWR's) method for crediting State Water Project (SWP) water recipients with revenues from hydropower…

A West Virginia court reversed a decision by the state environmental quality board in which it remanded a NPDES permit for a mining company to the state environmental agency for further review and…

A district court held that an environmental group may go forward with its citizens suit action against a water district for ongoing SDWA violations concerning, among other things, the sampling,…

A district court denied a poultry-processing company's motions for a new trial, for a judgment of acquittal, and to arrest judgment in a CWA case in which the company was found guilty for…

The Court of Federal Claims dismissed a water district's breach of contract claims against the United States for failing to provide water drainage facilities and services. The district argued…

The Federal Circuit reversed and remanded a lower court decision dismissing a developer's Fifth Amendment takings claim against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for denying its application…

The U.S. Supreme Court reversed a lower court decision holding a water district liable under the CWA for violating its municipal separate storm sewer system permit. The lower court ruled that the…