
The Fourth Circuit upheld a district court's ruling that a coal company's NPDES permit did not shield it from liability under the CWA because it did not comply with the terms of the…

The Sixth Circuit upheld a district court ruling denying Michigan’s motion to stay a preliminary injunction ordering water system operators in Flint, Michigan, to provide bottled water to…

A district court upheld EPA’s refusal to determine whether new water quality standards were necessary to control nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in the mainstem of the Mississippi River and the…

A district court held that EPA did not fail to carry out non-discretionary duties under the CWA when it failed to notify certain industrial and commercial dischargers that they are required to…

A district court held that EPA did not fail to carry out non-discretionary duties under the CWA when it failed to notify certain industrial and commercial dischargers that they are required to…

A district court dismissed a multidistrict Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) lawsuit filed against the U.S. government by service members and their families. The plaintiffs alleged that the…

A district court denied Michigan’s motion to stay a preliminary injunction ordering water system operators in Flint, Michigan, to provide bottled water to residents whose homes do not have…

A district court denied in part and granted in part motions for summary judgment in a suit involving the effects of the Leavenworth [WA] National Fish Hatchery’s operation on endangered Chinook…

A district court held the CWA's citizen suit provision does not allow for judicial review of EPA's decision to disapprove Maine's water quality standards. In 2015, EPA issued a…

The Sixth Circuit, in litigation over the "waters of the United States" (WOTUS) rule, held that an internal U.S. Army Corps of Engineers memorandum critical of the rule's technical…