Clean Air Act (CAA)

The D.C. Circuit denied the state of Utah's motion to stay EPA's 2023 "good neighbor" rule, which aims to ensure that 23 states meet the CAA's good neighbor requirements…

The Tenth Circuit, 2-1, granted in part an environmental group's challenge to EPA's approval of a Colorado SIP revision certifying that the state's existing, EPA-approved…

A district court granted summary judgment for several bus companies in a CAA citizen suit alleging that the companies excessively idled their buses in violation of Massachusetts and Connecticut…

The Tenth Circuit affirmed in part and vacated in part EPA's partial approval and partial disapproval of Wyoming's SIP addressing emissions at coal-fired power plants to reduce regional…

The Tenth Circuit denied environmental groups' petition to review approval of Utah's July 2019 revised SIP addressing regional haze. The groups argued EPA abused its discretion by…

The Third Circuit denied an environmental group's petitions to review EPA's approval of certain air pollution control technology use at industrial facilities in Pennsylvania. The group…

The Third Circuit vacated EPA's 2022 decision to reverse its prior determination and to require an oil refinery in the Virgin Islands to obtain a PSD permit before it can resume operations.…

The D.C. Circuit denied a group of fuel refineries' petitions to review EPA's rule extending compliance reporting deadlines under the Renewable Fuel Standard program. The group argued…

The D.C. Circuit denied petitions to review EPA's promulgation of a rule that regulates the emission of greenhouse gases from aircraft engines under CAA §231 by aligning domestic standards…

The D.C. Circuit granted in part and denied in part petitions to review EPA's revisions to designations promulgated in 2018 for northern Weld County, Colorado, and El Paso, Texas, as areas…