
The court denies an insurer's motion to stay the proceedings and grants partial summary judgment to the insured corporation in an indemnification suit for personal injury damages resulting…

The court holds that a company that is a potentially responsible party under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act is not entitled to relief from a final…

Applying Wisconsin law, the court holds that the environmental investigation costs incurred by a utility company at two sites it previously owned are not damages under the company's…

The court holds that owned property and pollution exclusion clauses in comprehensive general liability policies do not preclude an insurance company's duty to defend a metals operation in an…

The court rejects a petroleum company's breach of contract and liability claims against its insurer. The insurance policy required the company to secure money from a state-administered fund…

The court holds that two insureds' claims arising from a polluted oil transfer terminal are not barred by the doctrine of known loss, nor are they unambiguously precluded by the comprehensive…

The court affirms a district court decision that clauses excluding pollution from comprehensive general liability (CGL) insurance policies relieve defendant-appellee insurer of its duty to defend…

The court holds that three different pollution exclusion clauses in various insurance policies bar a corporation's claims that its insurers must defend and indemnify it against the U.S.…

The court holds that, pursuant to Nebraska law, the "as damages" language in a comprehensive general liability (CGL) insurance policy issued to a manufacturing company that disposed of…

The court affirms a district court decision that under Pennsylvania law a manufacturer is entitled to indemnification from its excess liability insurers for property damage resulting from…