
The court upholds a magistrate judge decision that later settling insurers are not obligated to contribute to defense costs paid by insurers that settled earlier with an insured manufacturer…

The court grants in part a petition to clarify an April 11, 2000, decision in which it applied Colorado law and reversed a district court holding that the pollution exclusion clause in one of two…

The court affirms a trial court's holdings regarding insurance coverage for an aluminurn producing company for environmental damage under comprehensive general liability (CGL) policies and…

The court holds that a pollution exclusion clause does not apply to a claim based on a negligence tort. A fuel delivery man brought a negligence claim against a farm after the farm's faulty…

The court, interpreting Texas law, holds that exposure to asbestos is the event that triggers an insurer's duty to defend in asbestos personal injury cases under a uniform comprehensive…

The court, applying Colorado law, reverses a district court decision holding that the pollution exclusion clause in one of two insurance policies held by a Colorado sanitation district precluded…

The court upholds the dismissal of an aluminum corporation's suit seeking liability coverage from insurers for remediation costs due to cyanide contamination of groundwater at its Hannibal,…

The court holds that an insurer has a duty to indemnify an asbestos tile manufacturer for underlying asbestos-related personal injury claims that were triggered during the one-year commercial…

The court holds that an insurer has no duty to insure or indemnify a construction company being sued as a third-party defendant for disposing of toxic and/or hazardous waste. The court first holds…

The court holds that an insurer need not indemnify or defend a food flavoring company under insurance policies issued to the company's predecessor for claims arising out of the company's…