National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

The Tenth Circuit affirmed dismissal of a challenge to BLM's decision not to conduct an environmental analysis before re-opening an area in Utah that it had temporarily closed to off-highway…

A district court granted BLM's motion for voluntary remand in a challenge to the agency's resource management plan (RMP) and EIS for oil and gas leasing in western Colorado.…

A district court remanded without vacatur BLM's and the Forest Service's authorization of hydraulic fracturing in Wayne National Forest, after previously ruling the agencies violated…

In an unpublished opinion, the Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court's denial of a motion to preliminarily enjoin a timber harvest and road construction project in the Idaho Panhandle…

A district court granted in part and denied in part environmental groups' motion for partial summary judgment in a challenge to BLM's decision to cancel a proposed mineral withdrawal of…

A district court granted in part and denied in part a snowmobile group's motion for summary judgment in a challenge to the Forest Service's decision to close approximately 72,000 acres…

A district court denied a motion to preliminarily enjoin construction of a replacement for the Enbridge Line 3 oil pipeline. Native American tribes and environmental groups challenged the Army…

A district court granted in part and denied in part environmental groups' motion for an injunction pending appeal of the court's prior ruling denying the groups' motions to enjoin a…

A district court upheld decisions made by BLM and the Forest Service regarding an oil and gas development project on public lands within the Ashley National Forest. An environmental group argued…

A district court blocked expansion of a Montana surface coal mine, adopting a magistrate judge's findings and recommendations. Environmental groups challenged OSM's updated EA and…