Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA)

A district court denied summary judgment for environmental groups in a challenge to BLM's management plan for a recreation area in Montana. The groups argued BLM violated NEPA, FLPMA, and the…

A district court denied summary judgment for conservation groups in a challenge to BLM's authorization of six lease sales for oil and gas development in the western United States. The groups…

A district court denied an environmental group's motion for summary judgment in a challenge to BLM's decision to amend the California Desert Conservation Area Plan and grant a right-of-…

A district court denied environmental groups' motion for summary judgment in a challenge to BLM's 2020 rule that eliminated the 15-day protest process for timber sales and clarified that…

A district court upheld BLM's approval of a proposed lithium mine project in Nevada. Environmental groups, ranchers, and tribes argued the project would cause unnecessary and undue…

A district court vacated two rights-of-way that BLM issued to a company in 2020 to transport water through an existing gas pipeline across federal lands. Environmental groups sought vacatur,…

A district court granted in part environmental groups' motion for summary judgment in a challenge to BLM's issuance of a 2018 instruction memorandum on greater sage grouse conservation…

A district court vacated BLM's 2018 instruction memorandum (IM) and oil and gas lease sales in Montana and Wyoming issued in reliance on the IM for failing to maintain federal protections for…

In a modified opinion that withdraws a prior published opinion, the Ninth Circuit found that an environmental group has standing to challenge a uranium mining company's right to operate on…

A district court preliminarily enjoined BLM from conducting oil and gas lease sales under the procedures of a new BLM directive. Environmental groups argued that the directive unlawfully…