
A district court dismissed environmental groups’ challenge to the International Development Finance Corp’s (DFC’s) 2020 rule exempting itself from the Sunshine Act. The groups challenged the rule…

A district court dismissed as moot a lawsuit seeking to reinstate a permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline to cross the U.S.-Canada border. Twenty-three states challenged the president's…

A district court granted summary judgment for the Bureau of Reclamation in a FOIA lawsuit brought by a company seeking summaries of certain water transfers. The company requested a summary of…

The Second Circuit reversed in part and vacated in part a district court ruling that ordered EPA to disclose records pursuant to a FOIA request related to a former Agency official's role in…

A district court granted in part and denied in part NMFS' motion to dismiss a lawsuit seeking an expansion of the Service's 2008 Vessel Speed Rule to protect North Atlantic right whales…

The Court of Federal Claims entered judgment for the U.S. government in a takings challenge against FWS for rerouting spring waters that had previously flowed through church property into a…

A district court granted researchers' and primate importers' motions to intervene in a lawsuit brought by a nonprofit group seeking FOIA disclosure of FWS records regarding the import…

A district court dismissed a lawsuit brought by Catholic nuns seeking monetary damages for property taken by the Atlantic Sunrise natural gas pipeline. The nuns argued that construction and…

A district court denied a water district's motion to intervene in an ESA lawsuit seeking protections for longfin smelt. The water district argued it had standing to intervene because its…

The Ninth Circuit affirmed dismissal of a lawsuit concerning guidance issued by EPA recommending a statistical method for assessing water toxicity. Trade groups argued the Agency violated the APA…