
The Federal Claims Court held that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' construction, expansions, operation, and failure to maintain the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet (MR-GO) caused subsequent…

A district court held that trade associations and nonprofit corporations representing members of the timber industry lack standing to challenge the Forest Service's 2012 planning rule…

The Supreme Court of Texas held that courts may consider all relevant circumstantial evidence when granting or denying an expedited motion to dismiss suits that could stifle a defendant's…

A district court held that individuals who were not party to a 2008 settlement agreement between an oil company and more than 2,000 plaintiffs for personal injury claims as a result of oil…

A California appellate court held that the state's water resources board did not violate state law when it voted 2-1 to increase water quality permit fees for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. When…

The Colorado Supreme Court held that state law does not allow a trial court to issue a modified case management order, such as a "Lone Pine" order, that requires a plaintiff to present…

A district court granted an oil company's motion for a temporary restraining order barring environmental activists from entering a 1,000 meter "safety zone" around three drilling…

The Eighth Circuit held that a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdictional determination (JD) is a final agency action under the APA, thereby creating a split between the circuits. The case arose…

A district court dismissed a town's Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention and Response Act claim against the corporate spinoffs of Old Monsanto, the sole manufacturer of…

A Massachusetts court dismissed residents' lawsuit seeking a declaratory judgment that the state's environmental agency failed to comply with §3(d) of the Global Warming Solutions Act (…