
The court holds that the owner of a Minnesota site contaminated with hazardous substances has stated a cause of action, under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability…

The Court holds that a Michigan law requiring private landfill operators to limit their business to accepting wastes only from the counties in which their facilities are located violates the…

The court holds that a manufacturer of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) is not entitled to reimbursement from its primary insurance carrier for defense costs and indemnification for losses…

The Court holds that an Alabama act that imposes a disposal fee on hazardous wastes generated outside the state, but not on hazardous wastes from sources within Alabama, violates the Commerce…

The court holds that a local ordinance imposing geographic restrictions on the sources of waste for a regional medical waste incinerator does not violate the Commerce Clause of the U.S.…

The court holds moot a citizen suit under §505 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) against a tannery operator for alleged discharges of industrial wastewater into a New York State…

The court overrules a state appellate court decision holding that two bankruptcy trustees may be personally liable for violating Wisconsin's hazardous waste act after being appointed trustees…

The court holds that the Army Corps of Engineers' denial of landowners' Federal Water Pollution Control Act §404 permit application to develop property containing wetlands constitutes a…

The court holds that a landfill operator is entitled to a preliminary injunction prohibiting enforcement of a county ordinance that regulates the transport of out-of-county waste into the county,…

The court, in a case of first impression under Utah law, holds that the "sudden and accidental" phrase in a comprehensive general liability policy pollution exclusion clause means abrupt…