
The court holds that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources' denial of a permit for landowners to fill wetlands on their property to construct an auto body shop did not…

The court holds that three insurance companies have a duty to defend the former owners of a contaminated site against the current owner's suit for response costs under the Comprehensive…

The court holds that the buyer of assets of three business entities that had leased underground oil storage tanks from a property owner may be held liable for the property owner's hazardous…

The court holds that a county legislature has no independent standing to intervene in an action involving alleged Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) violations at the county's…

The court holds that a tank truck company is not entitled to summary judgment on claims against its insurers for indemnification of costs resulting from a government action against it under the…

The court holds that the purchaser of a ranch lacks standing to challenge the U.S. Forest Service's decision not to renew the previous owner's grazing permit when the decision was made…

The court holds that the Ninth Circuit's exclusive jurisdiction over a challenge to a final decision of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) turns on the action challenged and not on the…

The court holds that a county ordinance imposing strict regulations on persons and corporations that import out-of-county waste for disposal in the county is subject to strict scrutiny under the…

The court holds that a nonprofit organization has standing to seek a preliminary injunction to prevent the implementation of a research study by the Department of Agriculture (DOA) on the…

The court holds that the Federal Power Act (FPA) preempts state regulation of a federally licensed hydroelectric power project in a national forest in California. The court first holds that the…