
The court holds that landowners whose wells were contaminated by toxic chemicals migrating from a U.S. Army aircraft maintenance facility failed to prove that the Army was negligent, and that they…

The Court holds that a New York town's ordinance requiring all solid waste to be processed at a designated transfer station before leaving the town violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S.…

Applying Nebraska law, the court holds that the instrument creating the Platte River Whooping Crane Maintenance Trust authorizes the trust to participate in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (…

The court holds that environmental audit memoranda prepared by company personnel to assist the company's attorneys in evaluating its compliance with environmental laws and regulations are…

The court holds, without opinion, that members of a utility industry group may intervene as of right under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 24(a) in a suit to compel the U.S. Environmental…

The Court rules that the state of Oregon's imposition of a surcharge on the in-state disposal of solid waste generated in other states that is nearly three times that imposed on the disposal…

The court holds that under Minnesota law, an insured wood treatment company's deliberate disposal of pentachlorophenol (penta) sludge on the ground is not an "occurrence" within the…

The court holds that under Wisconsin law, an insurer has a duty to defend its insured under the "wrongful entry" clause of a commercial policy against negligent trespass claims for…

The court upholds a cease and desist order that a state natural resources district issued against a landowner, tenant farmers, and a partnership to prevent them from withdrawing groundwater from…

The court holds that the U.S. Forest Service's (Forest Service's) decision to allow certain salvage timber sales was exempt from administrative appeal pursuant to regulations in effect…