
The court holds that under the open fields doctrine, state natural resource officials may enter a landowner's property to conduct a warrantless inspection of wetlands on the property without…

The Court holds that a landowner's takings claim against a regional planning agency is ripe for adjudication. The agency determined that the landowner may not develop her property but is…

The court holds that plaintiff-appellant landowners' allegation that gasoline contamination from an adjoining property constituted a continuing nuisance presents an arguable cause of action…

The court holds that a district court properly dismissed a class action brought by Peruvian citizens alleging injuries from a U.S. corporation's copper smelting and refining operations in…

The court holds that a town may recover under the New Jersey Sanitary Landfill Facility Closure and Contingency Fund Act costs it incurred cleaning up contamination from a closed landfill on…

The court upholds the U.S. Forest Service's decision to grant a cellular phone company a special use permit for a telecommunications facility on Dead Indian Mountain in the Fremont National…

The court affirms a district court decision that New Jersey's solid waste flow control laws violate the U.S. Constitution's Commerce Clause, but reverses the lower court's decision…

The court holds that the owner of a salt mine is not liable to the owners of the surface estate for damage that the mine suffered during a collapse and innundation, but may be liable for damages…

The court holds that a former petrochemical plant employee failed to prove that the plant terminated him in retaliation for his disclosure of an environmental violation to his supervisor and,…

The court holds that a municipal solid waste district that condemned a landowner's property for use as a landfill did not violate the landowner's right to due process or "take…