
The court upholds the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' decisions to deny permits that would have allowed landowners to build camp structures on their property in the Atchafalaya floodway in…

The court dismisses environmental groups' motion to enjoin the sale of a former bus depot in the South Bronx, New York. The sale is part of a plan to develop a former rail yard adjacent to…

The court holds that the federal paramountcy doctrine bars Alaskan native villages' claims of aboriginal title to the outer continental shelf (OCS) of the United States. In response to U.S.…

The court holds that under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) a native regional corporation need not obtain the consent of a native village corporation to mine on lands that are…

The court holds that an insurance company has no duty to defend or indemnify a property owner in a suit alleging gasoline contamination of an adjacent property. The court first holds that the…

The court affirms a district court decision holding that an insurer has no duty to indemnify a manufacturer for costs incurred in response to claims alleging trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination…

The court upholds a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rule that was promulgated pursuant to the Overflights Act and designed to reduce aircraft noise from sight-seeing tours in the Grand…

The court holds moot property owners appeal of a district court's denial of their motion for a preliminary injunction to enjoin federal funding and construction of a proposed business park.…

The court holds that New York law shall apply to interpret the pollution exclusion and late notice provisions in a lead manufacturer's insurance policies. If, however, New York law differs…

The court holds that the Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act (ICCTA) preempts state and local environmental review of a rail carrier's reacquisition and reopening of the Stampede…