
The court holds that a district court properly excluded homeowners' expert testimony in a case alleging that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by a manufacturer's carpeting…

Applying Delaware law, the court holds that a settlement agreement resolving product liability claims between nursery workers and a chemical company does not bar the workers' subsequent claim…

The court holds that environmental groups may seek civil penalties based on allegations of a shipyard's continuing Federal Water Pollution Control Act violations that contribute to specific…

The court holds that assessments for solid waste disposal charged by a waste management district in Ohio are taxes under the Tax Injunction Act and are, therefore, constitutional. The assessments…

The court holds unconstitutional a state statute that allows out-of-state waste to be disposed of in Wisconsin only if the community where the waste originates adopts an ordinance that…

The court holds that a planning agency for the Lake Tahoe area must compensate property owners for taking their property through development restrictions. The development plan for the Lake Tahoe…

The court denied a petition to review the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) approval of a revision to Missouri's state implementation plan (SIP) that replaced four area…

The court holds that under South Carolina law, an insurer must indemnify its insured for gasoline damage caused to a third-party claimant's property if the insured's third-party…

The court affirms a district court's grant of summary judgment on several state-law tort claims in favor of pesticide companies whose products allegedly caused a newborn's multiple birth…

The court holds that a company that allegedly sold the United States a lesser grade oil than required under contract specifications and then charged it for the higher grade oil is liable under the…