
The court dismisses a family's Federal Water Pollution Control Act and state-law actions against an electric power station for personal injuries that the family allegedly suffered due to…

The court vacates a bankruptcy court's order disallowing a current property owner's claim for contribution against a bankrupt prior owner of contaminated property. During pendency of an…

The court affirms a district court's decision denying an environmental group's request to preliminarily enjoin a power company from discharging heated wastewater into a lake at…

The court holds that $200,000 awarded to a former owner whose property was damaged by an underground storage tank (UST) operator's negligence is not duplicative of the former owner's…

The court holds that the doctrine of res judicata does not bar a state court from presiding over landfill owners' state-law claims for response costs from potentially responsible parties even…

The court holds that congressional representatives lack standing to sue to enjoin implementation of the President's American Heritage Rivers Initiative, which was established by executive…

The court holds that an individual failed to exhaust his administrative remedies before suing the U.S. Forest Service for violating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the National…

The court holds that insurers have a duty to defend two cities that disposed of sewage sludge at a landfill that became a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CER…

The court holds that a city is not immune from a company's negligence suit for allegedly delivering contaminated water to the company's facilities. The company sought damages for the…

The court holds that the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) preempts a farmer's state-law claims against a herbicide manufacturer. The farmer sought damages based on…