A court upholds a declaratory judgment requiring the defendant insurance company to contribute to a second insurance company's cost of defending a manufacturing plant that both companies…
A court reverses a lower court decision denying a petition challenging a community college district's approval of a large construction and remodeling project. The district prejudicially…
The court denies a motion to remand to Louisiana state court individuals' class action against a company for the alleged seepage of mercury from one of its facilities. In addition to suing…
A court upholds the dismissal of residents' state- and local-law claims challenging the rezoning of a large area of land for retail development. The rezoning does not require a three-fourths…
The court holds that the California Timberland Productivity Act of 1982 (TPA) and general state forestry law do not preempt two county zoning ordinances relating to the permissible locations for…
A court holds that the state legislature has not recognized an ocean boater's "right to a view" of the coastline as a factor in regulating development. Consequently, the California…
The court holds that excess liability insurance policies cover an insured's potential liability for environmental contamination at a former manufactured gas plant site in Dover, New Hampshire…
A court reverses a lower court decision denying a petition challenging a city's approval of a construction project for a hotel, gas station, and convenience store complex. The city's…
A court affirms a lower court decision that water districts have an obligation to provide treated water to a town for domestic and other needs but that the cost of treatment may be passed along to…
A court upholds a city's approval of a construction project for a big box retail store. A citizens group argues that the city violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) by…