Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)

A district court stayed a bankrupt mining company's contribution claims against various defendants for response costs and natural resource damages incurred in connection with the Tri-States…

The Ninth Circuit upheld the dismissal of an insurance company's subrogation suit for recovery of insurance payments made to its insured for environmental response costs the insured incurred…

A district court held that genuine issues of material fact preclude a grant of summary judgment in a petroleum distributor's contribution claim against an oil company for costs incurred…

The Fourth Circuit, in an unpublished opinion, affirmed a lower court decision dismissing an electronic manufacturer's CERCLA claim against the United States for costs it incurred cleaning up…

A district court held that a mining company that operates a smelter in Canada is liable as an arranger under CERCLA for the release and threatened release of hazardous substances in the Upper…

A district court held that a refinery that settled in bankruptcy court its liability for response costs incurred at a Superfund site may seek contribution from a mining company. The mining company…

A bankruptcy court denied a company's motion to dismiss a bankruptcy trustee's CERCLA §107 claim against it for response costs incurred by the debtor to EPA, New York, and a manufacturer…

A district court held that the bar to transfer of CERCLA liability applies to contribution claims brought between and among third parties, not just the U.S. government. CERCLA §107(e)(1) provides…

A district court denied a mining company's motion to dismiss a smelting company's contribution claim against it for response costs and natural resources damages incurred at an old…

A district court denied a group of companies' motion for summary judgment challenging the government's remedy for cleaning up PCB contamination in Wisconsin's Fox River. The…