U.S. Government

The U.S. Supreme Court holds that an association's claim that a National Park Service (NPS) regulation that purports to render the Contract Disputes Act (CDA) inapplicable to concession…

The court vacates and remands a district court order under the All Writs Act requiring the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) to accept dredged material in order to prevent the frustration…

The court reverses and remands a district court injunction prohibiting the implementation of a U.S. Forest Service rule that restricts road building in national forests. Landowners, corporations,…

The court dismisses a landowner's takings claims against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) and Minnesota state agencies for rejecting his proposed wetland replacement plan and…

The court affirms a district court dismissal of a county's complaint alleging that the designation of the Sequoia National Monument by President William J. Clinton violated the Antiquities…

The court affirms the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency's (FSA's) decision to deny a New Mexico farm's application for enrollment in the conservation reserve…

The court upholds a district court order enjoining the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and three Rhode Island employees from proceeding in an administrative adjudication of the employees'…

The court holds that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was arbitrary and capricious in determining that a waste disposal company's proposed landfill expansion near an airport would be…

The court holds that it has jurisdiction to review a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Appeals Board (EAB) decision upholding three EPA orders against the Tennessee Valley…

The court grants environmental groups' motion to preliminarily enjoin the U.S. Forest Service from implementing a salvage project in the Bitterroot National Forest until any administrative…