Natural Resources (generally)

A district court denied partial summary judgment in a challenge to a county board's decision not to renew two conditional use permits (CUPs) for continued operation of an oil extraction and…

The D.C. Circuit vacated FERC's refusal to allow a natural gas pipeline company to impose incremental-plus rates to cover the costs of an expansion project. The company argued that FERC…

In an unpublished opinion, a California appellate court affirmed dismissal of a challenge to the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources' issuance of 213 permits to drill new oil wells…

A California appellate court affirmed dismissal of a challenge to the South Coast Air Quality Management District's determination that an oil refinery project would reduce air pollution. An…

A district court granted a pipeline company's motion for partial summary judgment in a lawsuit concerning a Virginia county board's denial of the company's request to traverse…

A district court dismissed a lawsuit concerning BLM's March and December 2018 oil and gas lease sales in southeastern Utah. Environmental groups argued the sales were arbitrary and capricious…

A district court set aside BLM's 2018 instruction memorandum that supplied changed instructions to the agency's offices about how to handle oil and gas lease sales on federal lands…

The Fourth Circuit vacated the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board's approval of a permit for construction of a compressor station associated with a natural gas pipeline in an historically…

A district court denied a motion to dismiss or transfer a lawsuit concerning greater sage-grouse habitat management plans. Environmental groups argued that BLM violated NEPA, FLPMA, and the…

The Third Circuit vacated a district court decision granting a gas pipeline company's orders of condemnation and preliminary injunctive relief for immediate access to properties along the…