Energy (generally)

The Fifth Circuit affirmed a district court ruling that Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) safety regulations do not apply to contractors, subcontractors or service providers. The case…

The Tenth Circuit dismissed a challenge to a DOI rule governing hydraulic fracturing on federal and tribal lands, overturning a lower court ruling. In 2015, BLM finalized a fracking regulation…

The D.C. Circuit held that EPA erred in how it interpreted and used the “inadequate domestic supply” waiver in the Renewable Fuel Standard law when setting low renewable fuel volumes for 2014-2016…

A district court abstained from rendering a decision in a case concerning earthquakes allegedly caused by fracking operations in Oklahoma, choosing to instead defer to the expertise of a state…

The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled against the state Oil and Gas Commission's narrow interpretation of its authority to readjust the balance of state oil and gas conservation regulations…

A district court upheld the Delaware River Basin Commission's fracking ban against a challenge from a energy company. Upon the Commission's creation, it was codified that no project that…

A district court denied injunctive relief against the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management for failure to comply with NEPA in connection with its wind energy leasing. The Bureau leased a nautical…

The D.C. Circuit dismissed as untimely a U.S. biofuel trade group’s lawsuit challenging EPA's decision to allow a group of Argentine biofuel producers to use certain recordkeeping practices…

A Pennsylvania court preliminarily enjoined the commonwealth from enforcing certain Marcellus Shale drilling regulations pending the outcome of an industry group's lawsuit. The group alleged…

The Tenth Circuit upheld a lower court decision denying environmental group's request to preliminarily enjoin the drilling of certain oil and gas wells in the Mancos Shale formation of the…