Energy (generally)

The Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court order directing DOE to publish four energy conservation standards in the Federal Register. Environmental groups and states argued that an agency…

A state high court upheld the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee's denial of a utility company's application for siting, construction, and operation of a high-voltage transmission…

The D.C. Circuit dismissed a petroleum refiner's petition to review an EPA document interpreting a portion of the Energy Independence and Security Act that directs the Agency to perform…

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a state law banning uranium mining on private lands in Virginia. A mining company argued the Atomic Energy Act (AEA) preempted the law and reserved to the Nuclear…

The Iowa Supreme Court affirmed a lower court ruling that upheld the Iowa Utilities Board's approval of a 170-turbine wind project in northwest Iowa. Landowners argued that the project was…

A district court granted in part and denied in part environmental groups' motion for summary judgment relating to a proposal to permit hydraulic fracturing operations off the coast of…

A Pennsylvania state court granted in part and denied in part an industry trade group's challenge to state rules governing hydraulic fracturing near playgrounds. The group argued that the…

A Missouri appellate court affirmed in part and reversed in part the Missouri Public Service Commission's order suspending an electric utility company's request for a general rate…

The D.C. Circuit denied power companies' petitions to review FERC orders approving an exemption to the minimum offer price rule in the New England forward capacity market for a limited amount…

The D.C. Circuit dismissed electricity customers' petitions to review FERC's orders approving high clearing prices for future capacity to generate electricity in wholesale auctions. The…