Energy (generally)

The U.S. Supreme Court held that the Federal Power Act (FPA) preempts a Maryland program intended to encourage in-state power generation. Maryland selected, through a proposal process, a power…

The Ninth Circuit dismissed an environmental group's appeal of a preliminary injunction that barred it from interfering with oil exploration activities in the Chukchi Sea. The group…

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld FERC's "demand-response" rule under which operators of wholesale electricity markets, in specified circumstances, must pay the same price to providers…

A Pennsylvania court upheld an environmental hearing board order dismissing a municipal authority's challenge to a gas drilling permit that the Department of Environmental Protection issued…

A New York appellate court upheld a lower court decision invalidating a water sales agreement that would have allowed a town to sell approximately one million gallons per day from its water supply…

A district court dismissed a lawsuit filed against the State Department in connection with two upgrade projects for a major oil sands pipeline that crosses the U.S-Canada border. One project would…

The D.C. Circuit held that FERC violated the Federal Power Act (FPA) when it issued a preliminary permit for a hydroelectric project in Polk County, Iowa, to a private developer. The case involved…

The Ninth Circuit affirmed a lower court decision that BLM complied with NEPA and FLPMA in allowing the construction of a utility-scale wind project in California's Sonoran Desert. BLM…

A district court, on motions for reconsideration and clarification of a prior remand order, vacated and remanded DOI's record of decision (ROD), EIS, and biological opinion (BiOp) concerning…

A district court struck down portions of a town ordinance, deemed a "Community Bill of Rights," that sought to ban the disposal of waste materials from oil and gas extraction within its…