
The Ohio Supreme Court affirmed an appellate court ruling in a lawsuit concerning Volkswagen’s efforts to cheat U.S. diesel emissions tests. Ohio sued the company, arguing its post-sale tampering…

The Third Circuit affirmed dismissal of a lawsuit concerning reporting requirements for emissions following fires at a steel facility near Pittsburgh. An environmental group argued the facility…

The Eighth Circuit affirmed, 2-1, summary judgment for a mining company in a lawsuit concerning the company's operation of a coal mine in North Dakota. Owners of an adjacent ranch argued the…

A district court adopted a magistrate judge's recommendation and granted an environmental group's motion for partial summary judgment in a lawsuit concerning particulate matter emissions…

The D.C. Circuit denied, 2-1, New Jersey's challenge to a rule promulgated by EPA on remand concerning the CAA's new source review (NSR) program. The state argued that EPA inadequately…

The D.C. Circuit vacated three provisions of EPA's 2018 rule implementing NAAQS for ozone. Environmental groups challenged four provisions of the rule: the interprecursor trading program, a…

The D.C. Circuit vacated EPA's Affordable Clean Energy Rule that repealed and replaced the Clean Power Plan as a means of regulating power plants' greenhouse gas emissions. A group of…

The Fifth Circuit denied petitions to review EPA's 2018 redesignation of Bexar County, Texas, from attainment to nonattainment and designation of three neighboring counties as attainment/…

The Eighth Circuit affirmed, 2-1, a ruling in favor of a mining company in a challenge to the company's failure to obtain a CAA construction permit for a mine in rural North Dakota. The…

The Fourth Circuit granted for a second time an oil refinery's petition to review EPA's decision denying the refinery an exemption from biofuel requirements under the Agency's…