
The Court held that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the statutory authority to regulate greenhouse gases (GHGs) from new motor vehicles. The case arose after private…

The court denied Vermont's motion to dismiss automobile manufacturers' claims that the state's greenhouse gas regulations are either preempted by or violate the Clean Air Act and…

The court vacates the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's equipment replacement provision (ERP) rule, which expanded the routine maintenance, repair, and replacement exclusion from new…

A court partially grants the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) and individuals' motions to dismiss a class action suit stemming from plaintiffs' exposure to…

The court reverses the dismissal of an individual's complaint against his employer under the Clean Air Act's (CAA's) whistleblower provision. The U.S. Department of Labor's…

The court affirms a district court's grant of summary judgment to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on environmental groups' request for civil penalties and on its claim as to…

The court remanded portions of a 2002 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule interpreting when a major stationary source undertakes a "modification," thereby triggering the…

The court affirmed a lower court's grant of summary judgment in favor of a power company charged with modifying its power plants without first obtaining permits in violation of the Clean Air…

The Ninth Circuit held that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did not act arbitrarily, capriciously, or contrary to law when it granted Nevada's request to split one of its clean…

The Sixth Circuit upheld EPA's redesignation of Cleveland, Ohio, from nonattainment to attainment for particulate matter under CAA §107(d)(3)(E). An environmental group argued that…