Virginia: Water

September 2009
The State Water Control Board adopted amendments to 9 Va. Admin. Code §25-31, Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Regulation; and 9 Va. Admin. Code §25-32, Virginia Pollution Abatement Permit Regulation. The changes clarify public notice requirements for permit applications for land application acreage increases of 50% or more and clarify when a permit for land application is issued in relation to the public meeting and public comment opportunity on the application. The resulting regulatory changes provide that an application for any permit amendments to increase the acreage authorized by the initial permit by 50% or more shall be treated as a new application for purposes of public notice and public hearings and provide that the board shall not issue the permit for land disposal until the public meeting has been held and comment has been received from the local governing body, or until 30 days have lapsed from the date of the public meeting. and