Texas: Water

May 2008
The Commission on Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing to consider incorporating into agency rules changes to statute that became effective September 1, 2007, based on language in House Bill 3554 and HB 1956, 80th Legislature, 2007; to incorporate certain UST provisions of the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005; and to update certain technical requirements pertaining to USTs. Changes include such items as the requirement of proof of financial assurance to be included with annual tank self-certifications, the cessation of annual facility fees, secondary containment for UST systems in accordance with EPA and Federal Energy Act requirements; and extension of the PST Reimbursement Program for four years. The hearing will be held May 27, 2008. Comments are due June 2, 2008. http://www.sos.state.tx.us/texreg/sos/PROPOSED/30.ENVIRONMENTAL%20QUALITY.html#181.