Texas: Water

May 2008
The Commission on Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing to consider the adoption of rules for structures that are connected to a public water supply system and have a rainwater harvesting system for indoor use. The structure must have appropriate cross-connection safeguards, and the rainwater harvesting system may be used only for nonpotable indoor purposes. The commission's standards and rules adopted under THSC, Chapter 341, do not apply to a person who harvests rainwater for domestic use and whose property is not connected to a public drinking water supply system. However, these amendments do not change the commission's existing rules in §290.44(h) and §290.47(i) regarding backflow prevention. The hearing will be held May 29, 2008. Comments are due June 2, 2008. http://www.sos.state.tx.us/texreg/sos/PROPOSED/30.ENVIRONMENTAL%20QUALITY.html#177.