Texas: Land use

January 2011
Update Volume
Update Issue
The General Land Office proposed amendments to 31 Tex. Admin. Code §§15.41 & 15.44, Coastal Erosion Planning and Response. Changes include allowing the use of Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA) funds for buyouts of property on a public beach, allowing the use of CEPRA funds for reimbursement of the cost of acquisition of property necessary for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, widening, or extension of an erosion response project, and allowing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to determine the percentage of the shared project cost a qualified project partner must pay for a project undertaken for removal of debris, as well as removal and relocation of structures from the public beach. Comments are due January 24, 2010. http://www.sos.state.tx.us/texreg/pdf/backview/1224/1224is.pdf pp. 11513-18.