Pennsylvania: Water

April 2009
The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public meeting of the Marcellus Shale Wastewater Partnership. The Marcellus Shale Wastewater Partnership is a collaborative effort of the Marcellus Shale Committee and the Department to examine wastewater issues facing the natural gas industry and identify technologies and treatment techniques that will ensure adequate protection of our water resources while allowing for the treatment and disposal of wastewater generated during extraction. At the meeting, the Department will present a Permitting Strategy for High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Wastewater Discharges (Permitting Strategy). The goal of this permitting strategy is that new sources of High TDS wastewaters will be prohibited from Pennsylvania's waters by January 2011. To achieve this goal, the Department proposes to amend 25 Pa. Code Chapter 95 (relating to wastewater treatment requirements) to establish new effluent standards. In addition, to assure the protection and attainment of all designated stream uses, the Department proposes to develop new numeric water quality criteria for TDS and Chlorides, and amend 25 Pa. Code Chapter 93 (relating to water quality standards) to include these criteria. The hearing will be held April 15, 2009.