Oregon: Governance

April 2008
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) revised two Oregon Administrative Rules that direct the Department's rulemaking procedures. These changes were necessary to comply with Senate Bill 107, Section 3, that the 2007 legislature enacted. DEQ revised OAR 340-011-0010 to accommodate new requirements when noticing an intent to adopt, amend, or repeal DEQ administrative rules. Also, the agency revised OAR 340-011-0029(1) and (2) to reflect the new requirements regarding DEQ disclosure of the relationship between proposed administrative rules and applicable federal requirements. By this rulemaking, DEQ removed from rule the disclosure form (OAR 340-011-0029, table 1) it has used in its disclosure process. http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/0408_Bulletin/0408_ch340_bulletin.html.