Oregon: Climate Change

April 2008
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will hold public hearings on proposed rules that would require sources to report greenhouse gas emissions to DEQ. The draft rules propose that all Title V Air Quality Operating Permit holders and certain Air Contaminant Discharge Permit holders in Oregon report their greenhouse gas emissions annually to DEQ, beginning with the 2009 reporting year. The draft rules also propose that the following sources that emit 2500 metric tons or more of greenhouse gases per year (and do not have an air permit) report their greenhouse gas emissions annually to DEQ, beginning with the 2010 reporting year: wastewater treatment facilities with individual NPDES permits; solid waste disposal facilities; electric generating units; and electricity and natural gas transmission and distribution systems (concerning transmission and distribution losses). Hearings will be held April 24 through May 15, 2008. Comments are due May 16, 2008. http://www.deq.state.or.us/aq/climate/docs/announce.pdf.