New York: Air

February 2009
The Department of Environmental Conservation adopted amendments to Title 6 NYCRR Parts 200, 201, and 231, Requirements for Proposed New Major Facilities and Major Modifications to Existing Facilities. The Part 200 amendments will add a definition for "routine maintenance, repair, or Replacement" (RMRR), codifying current Department practice of reviewing RMRR activities on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the nature and extent of the activity and its frequency and cost. The proposed amendments to Part 201 revise the definition for "major stationary source or major source." The definition will now encompass the term "major facility" and incorporate major facility and significant project thresholds for facilities emitting particulate matter or particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 2.5 micrometers. The existing nonattainment new source review program at Part 231 will be re-titled "New Source Review for New and Modified Facilities." pp. 6-8.