New York: Air

October 2008
The Department of Environmental Conservation reproposed revisions to Parts 200, General Provisions; 201, Permits and Registrations; and 231, New Source Review in Nonattainment Areas and Ozone Transport Regions, of Title 6 NYCRR. The Part 200 amendments would add a definition for "routine maintenance, repair, or replacement" (RMRR), codifying current Department practice of reviewing RMRR activities on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the nature and extent of the activity and its frequency and cost. The proposed amendments to Part 201 would revise the definition for "major stationary source or major source" at 6 NYCRR 201-2.1(b)(21). The proposed revisions to Part 231 would change the basis of applicability for modifications and emission reduction credits from an emission unit basis to an emission source basis, incorporate various federal requirements, provide clarification of existing requirements, and require comprehensive reporting, monitoring, and recordkeeping that will conform to the requirements of CAA Title V. pp. 19-29.