New Jersey: Waste

September 2008
The Department of Environmental Protection seeks public comment on a proposal to readopt with amendments N.J.A.C. 7:31, Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act (TCPA). Changes include elimination of the "industrial complex" definition and rule provisions, petroleum refining process unit definition, repeal of the Program 2 prevention program requirements and Program 2 covered processes becoming subject to Program 3, elimination of the use of the "state of the art" definition and provisions, revised concentration and likelihood criteria to determine risk reduction in risk assessment, inclusion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) components to the list of TCPA extraordinarily hazardous substances, deletion of the exemption for Group I Reactive Hazard Substances (RHS) that have an inhibitor, addition of an exemption for RHS mixtures that cannot have a catastrophic accident, addition of organometallics to the list of RHS mixture functional groups at Table I, Part D, Group II, increased penalty for facilities that fail to register a Risk Management Plan, amendments to the confidentiality provisions, determination of threshold quantity applicability based on a facility-wide basis rather than within individual covered processes, and other changes to clarify existing rule requirements. Comments are due October 14, 2008.