Nevada: Air

November 2008
The State Environmental Commission will hold a regulatory hearing on proposed amendments to NAC 445B.232, Reporting Requirements for Excess Air Emissions & Clarification of Procedures for Renewal of Permits; NAC 445B, Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) & Emission Limitations for Major Electric Generating Units; and NAC 445B.001 to 445B.3497, Nevada§s Electrical Generation Unit Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mandatory Reporting Requirements (Temporary Regulation). These changes would update the reporting requirements for excess emissions and scheduled repairs, clarify the procedures for renewal of air pollution control permits, and update and clarify the permitting regulations to eliminate ambiguity. The BART regulation would add a requirement for certain electric generating units to install BART and comply with emission limitations for nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter. The changes would also mandate the reporting of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted by certain generators of electricity; the information will be used to create a registry of GHG emissions. The hearing will be held November 12, 2008. and