Missouri: Governance

September 2009
The Department of Natural Resources adopted emergency amendments to 10 CSR 70-5.010, Apportionment of Funds; 10 CSR 70-5.020, Application and Eligibility for Funds; 10 CSR 70-5.030, Design, Layout and Construction of Proposed Practices; Operation and Maintenance; 10 CSR 70-5.040, Rates and Reimbursement Procedures; 10 CSR 70-5.050, District Administration of the Program; and 10 CSR 70-5.060, Commission Administration of the Program. The amendments clarify that the program is no longer limited solely to traditional cost-share practices, but now also includes other types of incentives for practices designed to preserve the soil and protect water resources of the state. http://www.sos.mo.gov/adrules/moreg/current/2009/v34n17/v34n17a.pdf pp. 1779-787.