Maine: Wildlife

September 2008
The Department of Marine Resources will hold public hearings on proposed rules Chapter 11, Scallops: 11.09, Atlantic Sea Scallop Harvesting Season; 11.10(F), Atlantic Sea Scallops, Daily Possession Limit; 11.10(G), Atlantic Sea Scallops Harvested Seaward of Maine§s Territorial Waters; and 11.10 (H), Closed Areas. The proposed amendments would establish a season to start no earlier than December 1 and end no later than March 31. The proposed recommended days "on" would be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday in the months of December, January, and February. The proposed rules would also match the federal daily possession limit of 200 pounds of scallop meats and create six closed areas coastwide that would sunset after three seasons. A provision would also be added to clarify scallops taken by federal scallop permit holders may be landed in Maine. Hearings will be held October 6, 8, and 9, 2008. Comments are due October 20, 2008.