Louisiana: Waste

April 2008
The Department of Environmental Quality amended the Solid Waste regulations, LAC 33:VII.301, 503, 508, 709, 717, and 719. This rule clarifies that a container storing solid waste shall prevent leakage into or out of the container. The rule establishes a 50-foot buffer zone requirement for non-processing transfer stations transferring nonputrescible solid waste, such as construction and/or demolition waste. It also clarifies that all adjoining landowners must sign an affidavit allowing a reduction in a facility's buffer zone requirement. The rule adds two exemptions from the definition of solid waste that have been present in the Environmental Quality Act for quite some time but never appeared in the regulations. The exemptions regard automotive fluff and uncontaminated scrap metal materials. http://deq.state.la.us/portal/portals/0/planning/regs/pdf/SW046fin_ta.pdf.